About the Journal
1. Introduction
2. Submission
3. Aims and Scope
4. Editorial Board
Prof. Ding Chun
Center for European Studies Department of Economics, Fudan U., China
President, the EUSA Asia-Pacific
Sang-Chul Park
PKorea Polytechnic U., Korea
Yoo Duk Kang
Hankook U., of Foreign Studies, Korea
Editorial Board
Hee-Yul Chai
Kyonggi U., Korea
Woosik Moon
Seoul National U., Korea
Rajendra K. Jain
Jawaharlal Nehru U., India
Myungho Park
Hankook U. of Foreign Studies, Korea
Philomena Murray
U. of Melbourne, Australia
Katsuhiro Shoji
Keio U., Japan
Cheng-Feng Shih
Tamkang U., Taiwan
Deok Ryong Yoon
KIEP, Korea
Ting Wai
Hong Kong Baptist U., Hong Kong
Ding Chun
Fudan U., China
Changkyu Choi
Myongji U., Korea
Chin Peng Chu
Dongwha National U., Taiwan
Martin Holland
U. of Canterbury, New Zealand
Hung Dah Su
National Taiwan U., Taiwan
Bruno Mascitelli
Swinburne U., of Technology, Australia
Advisory Board
Renaud Dehousse
IEP de Paris, France
Ludger Kühnhardt
ZEI, U. of Bonn, Germany
Cae-One Kim
Seoul National U., Korea
Willem Molle
U. of Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Marc Maresceau
U. of Gent, Belgium
Toshiro Tanaka
Keio U., Japan
Jacques Pelkmans
College of Europe, Belgium
Joseph Weiler
New York U., United States
Dario Velo
U. of Pavia, Italy
Bingran Dai
Fudan U., China
Rudolf Hrbek
U. of Tbingen, Germany
Michael H. Mitias
Millsaps Collage, USA